Wednesday, December 30, 2009


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clg s] sf] ne kg'{ kb}{ k/]g .


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Toxfaf6 To;sf] pTklt g} ePg .

clg of] ceflusf] s] ug'{ ne kb}{ k/]g ...

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Memorable Events

35th TU Convocation and We at Kakani

35th Tu Convocation : The Graduate Certificate

It was on the 35th convocation day of Tribhuwan University at Kirtipur.

Trichandra : The Bachelor College

Trichandra College, the oldest Nepali college located at the heart of Kathmandu is not an unknown name for many of the students. Sometimes famous by the Student's Protests and also for its education. It has given birth to many Politicians of the country. It is also the center of studies of many of the Nepali students from Mechi to Mahakali. I proud of being awarded the Graduate Certificate from this college.

Struggling To College

I had had not been to Butwal before my school life. There were many ideas about about it, sometimes i used to dream about it. It found it very beautiful when I first came in the beginning of B.S. 2059. I started my college from Butwal Multiple Campus & joined for I.SC. Those beginning days are difficult to say. Having studied at the private boarding under strict rules and regulations, it had made me somewhat free though I didnot utilize the freedom in my own way. Later, I felt myself that study is for self and should be done self. The two years intermediate learning period was accomplished with great enjoyment. How beautiful would be Butwal if the hot climate would be replaced by God?

My School : Arjun Boarding High School

My School ARJUN BOARDING HIGH SCHOOL is the best rememberance in my life. The base it gave me is the actual present for me. Those school days events are unforgetable.